Vaccine Schedule

Vaccinating Your Pet is important to protect your pet from contagious diseases. This is crucial even if your pet is kept mostly indoors. Many contagious diseases are airborne and your pet could easily be exposed. There is also always a risk that your pet could accidentally slip out the door. Boarding kennels, dog parks and grooming facilities are all areas where your pet is likely to be exposed to contagious diseases and most of these facilities require your pet to be properly protected to even be admitted, so be sure to contact us, or your local veterinarian before taking your pet to any of these places. It is also important to keep in mind that vaccinations take a few days to a few weeks to become effective and most require a booster.

Core Vaccines for Dogs

Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus (DHPP/DA2PP)

Commonly called the “distemper shot,” this combination vaccine which actually protects against the diseases in its full name.



The rabies virus is fatal and all mammals, including humans, are susceptible to infection. Rabies vaccinations for dogs are required by law in most states.


Non-Core Vaccinations for Dogs

Leptospirosis: Often included as part of the distemper combination vaccine (making it a DHLPP/DA2PPL), this bacterial infection is most prevalent in moist climates where there are areas of standing or slow-moving water. This disease can also be spread from animals to humans.


Bordetella: AKA “kennel cough”.  The bordetella virus causes an extremely contagious upper respiratory infection. Your veterinarian may recommend this vaccine before your dog goes to a dog park, groomer, boarding kennel or doggy daycare.


Lyme Disease: A bacterial infection carried by ticks, this disease is extremely prevalent in certain parts of the country — in particular, the east and west coasts and the areas around the Great Lakes.


Influenza: A Viral disease that is highly contagious. Another  vaccine that may be required by facilities in order to be admitted.

Dog Vaccination Schedule

  • 8-10 Weeks

    Distemper Hepatitis Parvovirus
  • 12-14 Weeks

    Distemper Hepatitis Parvovirus
  • 16-18 Weeks

    Rabies Distemper Hepatitis Parvovirus
  • Every 1-3 Years

    Rabies Distemper Hepatitis Parvovirus
  • Non-Core Options

    Parainfluenza Bordetella Leptospira Lyme Disease

Core Vaccines for Cats

Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia (FVRCP)

Commonly called the “Feline distemper” shot , is a combination vaccine protects against three diseases: feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia.



The virus is fatal and all mammals, including humans, are susceptible to infection. Rabies vaccinations for cats are required by law in most states.


Non-Core Vaccinations for Cats

Feline Leukemia: This is a viral infection that is only transmitted through close contact, and this vaccine is generally only recommended for cats that go outdoors.

Cat Vaccination Schedule

  • 8-10 Weeks

    Panleukopenia Calicivirus Rhinotracheitis
  • 12-14 Weeks

    Panleukopenia Calicivirus Rhinotracheitis
  • 16-18 Weeks

    Rabies Panleukopenia Calicivirus Rhinotracheitis
  • Every 1-3 Years

    Rabies Panleukopenia Calicivirus Rhinotracheitis
  • Non-Core Options

    FeLV Bordetella

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